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A Unified Call for Peace, Accountability, and Action – South Sudanese Women Demand Immediate Action to Address the Ongoing Conflict   

We, the women of South Sudan, are deeply concerned and strongly condemn the escalating violence in our country, particularly the recent clashes in Nasir, Upper Nile State, that erupted on February 14, 2025. We extend our deepest condolences to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) for the tragic loss of their crew member and to all the families mourning their loved ones lost in this conflict.

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Submission by the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa to the The United Nations Human Rights Council on the Escalating Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Sudan and the Urgent Need for Action

The humanitarian and human rights catastrophe in Sudan has reached unprecedented levels, with conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) being systematically weaponized against women and girls in the ongoing war. The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) Network submits this statement to the Human Rights Council under Item 2, urging immediate intervention to address this escalating crisis. SIHA is a regional feminist organization with over 200 women-led organizations as network members dedicated to advancing the rights and well-being of women and girls across the Horn of Africa.

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غير مرئيات وغير مسموعات: النساء والفتيات المفقودات في حرب السودان

منذ اندلاع الحرب في السودان في 15 أبريل 2023، ظل المدنيون يعانون من فظائع شنيعة، بما في ذلك عمليات القتل الجماعي، والتهجير القسري، والنهب، وتدمير البنية التحتية للبلاد. وقد تعرضت النساء والفتيات للاستهداف بشكل خاص، حيث تعرضن للعنف الجنسي والاختفاء القسري والانتهاكات الجسيمة الأخرى.

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Unseen and Unheard: The Plight of Missing Women and Girls Amidst Sudan’s Crisis

Since the onset of the war in Sudan on April 15, 2023, civilians have suffered
severe atrocities, including mass killings, forced displacement, looting, and the
destruction of infrastructure. Women and girls have been particularly targeted,
facing sexual violence, enforced disappearances, and other grave violations.
This report will specifically delve into the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of
Africa (SIHA) Network’s work on enforced disappearance.

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Press Statement – Caught in the Crossfire: The Hidden Toll of Sudan’s Conflict on Children

Sudan has been one of the most perilous countries for children, even before the outbreak of the current conflict. Despite being among the first nations to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991 and to incorporate its provisions into domestic laws and policies, successive Sudanese governments have failed to invest in the implementation of child protection.

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Turning the Tide: A Historic Opportunity for Gender Equality through Women’s Meaningful Participation in Decision-making in Somaliland

The recent electoral victory of President Abdirahman Mohamed (Waddani Party) was an important moment for Somaliland. His decisive 64% of the vote reflected widespread public support for change, accountability, and adherence to democratic principles. The Women’s Rights Movement played a critical role in this historic transition, engaging in dialogue with opposition leaders, crafting manifestos, and advocating for the inclusion of women in national decision-making.

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